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President Sam Simonian’s Acceptance Speech at the 93rd General Assembly
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Newly elected President Sam Simonian shares his vision for the AGBU’s new chapter under his leadership

New York – October 12, 2023

To Your Holiness Karekin II, my fellow AGBU Central Board members, Council of Trustees, and distinguished guests, members and friends of AGBU, both present here today and around the world: Thank you.   

I am truly honored to stand on the shoulders of the many distinguished AGBU leaders who have come before me. Their dedication, imagination, and tireless work have laid a strong foundation for the future.  And so, with a deep sense of responsibility, I proudly accept the torch they have passed on to me.  

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to Berge Setrakian for his 22 years of leadership as President of AGBU. His vision and unwavering dedication have profoundly shaped our organization, paving the way for continued growth and success.  

And I know I speak for all of us when I express how deeply grateful we are to his wife, Vera. Her steadfast support and contributions behind the scenes have been invaluable to both Berge and AGBU. 

In the 1960s, despite facing significant poverty and challenges, the Armenian community in Lebanon came together to build schools that would preserve our language, culture, and identity. These schools provided not only education but also a sense of hope and unity, ensuring that our heritage would thrive and be passed down to future generations, even in the most difficult times. 

I was fortunate to be one of the beneficiaries of this renaissance period. I attended AGBU schools, played soccer with the AGBU-AYA Antranik club, socialized at the modern Alec Manoogian AGBU center, and even sold our calendar door to door.  

Through these experiences, I grew to love and embrace the ideals and values that AGBU has stood for across more than a century.  

As an apolitical organization, AGBU is dedicated solely to the advancement and support of the global Armenian community. Our focus remains on ensuring prosperity in Armenia and preserving our identity in the Diaspora, without aligning with or endorsing any political party or agenda.  

 We respect all our institutions—state, religious, cultural and educational. And this commitment to neutrality allows us to serve Armenians from all walks of life, uniting our community around shared values and common goals, free from the divisions that political affiliations can bring. 

 As we honor our past achievements and progress, it is essential not to be wedded to and cling to outdated methods. This is the age of the internet, technology, and artificial intelligence, and our approach to educating and engaging the youth must evolve to make the most of these transformational advances.  

 Today we are confronted with numerous challenges that demand a collective effort. To rise above these difficulties, we must pursue ambitious dreams of a prosperous and united future. Achieving such dreams requires all our organizations to work together in harmony, pooling resources, and expertise, rather than engaging in competition. By fostering collaboration, we can strengthen our global community, amplify our impact, and ensure the long-term success and resilience of Armenians everywhere. 

 In the coming year, I plan to visit all of our AGBU chapters and the local constituents they serve, accompanied by Sylva. Her unwavering support for my challenging endeavors is not only comforting but also essential. Together, we aim to build stronger connections with our leadership and communities. 

 I am also looking forward to working closely with our Board of Directors and Council of Trustees. Many thanks for all the love and support you all have extended to me as I take on a new role as the organization’s eighth president.  

 I wish my parents could be here with me tonight. My father’s consistently positive outlook, my mother’s enduring patience, and their shared love for Armenians and AGBU have shaped me into the person I am today.  

 In that spirit of optimism, I look forward to serving the AGBU mission with the same sense of purpose and possibility that has led me to this moment and will inspire me every day as we move forward together.  

 Thank you.

Watch the speech in the video below:

Headquartered in Berlin, AGBU Germany is the first German Chapter of the New York-based Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), the world’s largest non-profit organization devoted to upholding the Armenian heritage through educational, cultural, and humanitarian programs across the globe. AGBU has an active presence in 32 countries and 75 cities.

AGBU Germany was founded in 2020 in the awareness of its responsibility towards the Armenians in Germany, Armenia, Artsakh, and the Diaspora. Inspired by the unwavering determination of its mother organization AGBU founded in 1906, and in appreciation and recognition of its continuous achievements, the Chapter fits as a German link into the ranks of international AGBU Chapters as well as into the global Armenian nation.

Paris 1925, meeting of the AGBU Central Board, seated center, Boghos Nubar. Earliest photo available of the Central Board.
AGBU's Mission and History
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AGBU Germany's Leadership